Nigeria Assembly News
The daily trending stories of how Nigerians especially our youths snuff out their lives daily through the renown rat killer called sniper calls for concern from any serious and concerned government. No serious Govt sits at home and watch daily while their citizens take their lives so easily by purchasing a rat killer that might not cost more than N500, without sweeping into action to check the trend.
In civilized climes, most drugs are purchased only by Doctor’s prescription. This helps to check and control abuse of drugs by people who want to buy them for their personal use without real need for such drugs.
Government recently banned the sell of Codeine over the counter when investigations revealed that our youths are abusing the drugs. The sale of Sniper should take the same precedence to save our youths from taking their lives daily, a reoccurring event that seems to be the norm now which everybody wants to experiment suddenly.
I just read the story of a Final year student of University of Nigeria who posted his suicide online and thereafter took sniper. Infact, preceding posts on his facebook page suggested that he was undergoing depression and really needed help, but in a country like ours where there are no Govt recognized Rehabilitation and Depression treating centres, no one really cares or understands that depression expecially among the youths who have not passed through tough times before could spell catastrophe for their health.
In a related story, another young lady from Kogi state took sniper to snuff her life out just because her boy friend dumped her for another girl.
Similarly, a father of four children took his life recently while because his wife dumped him for another man, thereby leaving the four kids alone on this world.
Without mincing words though, sniper is not the only trending suicide mission in Nigeria now. Repeated cases of people jumping inside the lagoon to end their lives tragically is becoming a common news everyday.
Many also take to hanging themselves through such an ugly but very painful death of hanging themselves on a tree to end their lives tragically.
The entire situation is traced to harsh economic situation that has seen many Nigerians out of work. Making it difficult to even eat two square meals a day. Infact cases of families conspiring to sell their new born babes for paltry sum just to help feed the other ones has continued to stay awashed on the pages of our social media platforms.
This is not unexpected as a country ranked the Poverty Capital of the whole world certainly has traces of poverty all over it as the citizens continue to get more impoverished by the day and no real rescue plan in place to check the trend and put the curve on the ascending direction.
It’s time to act now or many of our future leaders will end their lives tragically due to weak mental strength and capacity to deal with the harsh economic times that are facing everyone today.
I indulge National Assembly to initiate a motion urgently to ban sell of sniper over the counter and also to initiate bill that will create rehabilitation centres and stress management centres to help attend to people going thorough all forms of depression and publicise such centres for them to seek help before taking the wrong decision of suicide. |